Carolina Arts Magazine
Asheville Art Museum, 2 South Pack Square at Pack Place, Asheville.
Through Oct. 27 - "Art After Dark".
For much of history art was created by the light of day. Artists’ studios were designed with large skylights facing north to take advantage of the most constant source of light. In the late 19th century gas light, and later the electric light, allowed enough brightness for artists to work successfully with an artificial light source. The exhibit features the images of six artists – three photographers and three painters – whose works were either created during the darkest hours of the day utilizing artificial light, or use the night as inspiration for creating dream-like images. Artists in this exhibition include Steve Fitch, Yvonne Jacquette, Xavier Nuez, Matthew Pillsbury, Robert Yarber and John Zurier.
Admission: Yes. Hours: Tue.-Sat., 10am-5pm; Fri. till 8pm & Sun., 1-5pm. Contact: 828/253-3227 or at (www.ashevilleart.org).