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1. Newsletter/VIP list
Sign up for my monthly newsletter and get unique perks!
• Flash sales (select pieces sold at a huge discount)
• Find out when I'm having promotions
• First look at new image releases
• Invitations when I'm in your area
• Background info on what I'm up to

Please note: If you subscribed to my Newsletter and you don't see it after a few months, it could be that your email provider has different inbox categories (such as updates or promotions) and my email has landed in one of those. Or maybe it got accidentally swept up in a sea of spam. Please check your spam folder and unspam the newsletter if you see it in there.
2. Facebook
Like or Follow me on Facebook to enter our Giveaways
Yes, you read that right... you could win one of my pieces!
Once a year my wife Nikki and I give away a piece of my art on Facebook. The only way to enter is through my Facebook page so go there and LIKE us by clicking here.
The drawings are held LIVE on my Facebook Page. If a Giveaway is underway, it'll be pinned to the top of my Page.
Liking my page will also make sure you don't miss out on any behind-the-scenes footage and other content I share only on Facebook!
3. Studio Discounts
Specials are waiting in my Chicago studio. I have various one off, discontinued or slightly off pieces available at deep discounts. They range from small prints and framed prints to very large, ready-to-hang pieces.
If you are interested in seeing them, please give me some idea (very general or specific) of what you hope to get and I'll see if I can help. These pieces are not cataloged but they are available at deep discounts.
And since I travel extensively with my art, I might be able to bring the pieces to you.
Please contact me if you are interested.