I’ve been thinking a lot about my bug series lately, so when my friend Oliver Mielenz in Montreal sent me these fly pictures from photographer Magnus Muhr, I had to laugh.
On an unrelated topic, I’m right in the middle of an intense marathon through the HBO series The Wire. This is the brilliantly constructed drama set in Baltimore, MD. If you haven’t seen it, and you get my alley and bug series, you need to see the sprawling 60-hr long epic. The show was told like no other TV drama, in a story laid out like literature, focusing on the American city and its dysfunctional institutions, including the government, cops, the illegal drug trade, schools etc
A Magnus Muhr fly photo:

New Image – Seattle, Beautiful Desolation
This was shot in Seattle last July. Finding it was a bizarre stroke of luck… After several hours of searching through Seattle’s run down neighborhoods, I had found nothing. We were getting frustrated and the voice of doubt was waking up in my head. We make a turn onto another desolate street and I see a building in disrepair that would make a fine addition to my Alley series. I get excited and exclaim: “This is it! The shot! lets park it.” I jump out and I’m so certain that I grab my gear and walk to the building to set up. As I stare at it, my heart sinks - its a false alarm. There’s nothing here for me and I swear silently to myself. Just before leaving I turn to look down the alley next to this building, and I can’t believe it. Beautiful desolation.
Alley 128, Beautiful Desolation (2009, Seattle, WA, 1:30am)

Postcards from the Edge
My alley photo, Mutant, will be part of a group show at ZieherSmith gallery in NYC – a short n sweet event, running from Jan 8-10. The gallery is at 516 W 20th St. The show, Postcards From the Edge, is a benefit for Visual Aids.
This Friday, Jan 8, is 2nd Friday! So if you live in the Chicago area, come by my studio and gallery, from 6-10pm for art, wine and snacks. 1932 S Halsted St, #402
Alley 91, Mutant (St Louis, MO, 11:45pm)

Studio and Gallery
Another great 2nd Friday open studio came and went. I’m going to enjoy hosting these! The next event is Jan 8 from 6-9pm - hope you can make it. Email me if you need more details.
Here are a few pictures of my new studio and gallery in Chicago.
