A few things… Most importantly, I have a new favorite comic strip! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling!! It’s all over the place and, as they say, not for everyone, but here’s a primer.
For the Chi-towners, I’m in two gallery exhibits opening this week in Chicago. Version 10: Infrastructures and Territories, at the Zhao B. Art Center in Bridgeport. Opening reception Thurs April 22, 7-10pm. 1029 W. 35th St, 2nd Floor. There will also be a kick-ass Version 10 party on Friday 8-2am at the coprosperity sphere. Art Open, at the River East Art Center in downtown. Opening reception Sat April 24, 12-4pm. A Preview Party ($65) is going on tonight from 6-9pm. 435 E Illinois St
And lastly, I was in Atlanta this weekend as part of the Dogwood Art Festival. I went shooting Sunday night, and came across some amazing abandoned structures. Here’s a Polaroid of a shot I did. On the actual film version, I climbed up inside the gaping hole of the overpass and blasted some light, while my friend Ross stayed with the camera. I’m excited to see the film later this week!
