A solo exhibit of my photographs, featuring 8×10 foot prints from my Alleys & Ruins series, will be on display in the Frick Center gallery at Elmhurst College.
The show will run from Sept 17 to Oct 17, 2013.
You are welcome to come to the opening reception on Sept 19 from 4:30pm-6:30pm where I’ll be giving a talk. The college is located at 190 Prospect Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois.
For the first time, I will be exhibiting many of the Polaroids that I shoot as tests before shooting the film. Since I shoot film and don’t have digital feedback, the only way I can tell what I’m doing is by shooting a polaroid.

My 8x10 foot prints
And this brings me to the worst exchange I had with someone this month.
A 16 year old girl asked me how I created my photographs and so I explained that I start by using a 50 year old film camera. “What’s film?” she says I reply, “Wha?? Film! Film! Its what, until recently, was how you captured an image. You put light sensitive film – a plastic strip – in your camera.” “I don’t know. I think I might’ve heard about something like that.
Life goes on… :-)