First things first: 2nd Friday, open studio is tomorrow.
Well, I had a great time in Minneapolis. I got to hang out with some fun people; I had an excellent show; I did several press interviews; and the 90-minute talk at the Apple store was a blast. Here are some photos (taken by Apple event coordinator Giovanni Sáenz)

And here’s a still from an interview during the morning show at NBC affiliate KARE-11

And last but not least, I have a new pet! I’m always looking for dead bugs for my Glam Bugs series (an act that makes me look completely bonkers at times, like when filling up at the gas station and crawling around with a paper bag, picking up the dead creatures) – so a friend caught a live Praying Mantis and gave it to me. Not wanting to kill it, another friend set me up with a terrarium! Now I have to crawl around looking for LIVE bugs to feed this insatiable carnivore. He has no name, but sometimes goes by the name “Freak”. Here he is looking happy and smug, but I know he’s secretly planning to escape and kill me.
